Magento 2.3 create simple module to make configure opitons for theme

Please read first post Magento 2.3 creat New Theme. We’ll build module file structure looks as follows: app/code/Magebay/ ├── Themes/ │ ├── etc/ │ │ ├── adminhtml/ │ │ │ ├── menu.xml │ │ │ ├── routes.xml │ │ │ ├── system.xml │ │ ├── module.xml │ ├── composer.json │ ├── registration.php <vendor_name> is module … Continue reading “Magento 2.3 create simple module to make configure opitons for theme”

Magento 2.3 Cover Customizing Layout Illustration Theme layout

Please read first post Magento 2.3 creat New Theme. Magento 2 Blank theme provide hooks to core functionality. Only the files or modules that are changed should be incorporated into custom themes. When creating a child theme, it is necessary to ensure a parent theme is named. Please go to vendor/magento/theme-frontend-luma, it is a suggestion … Continue reading “Magento 2.3 Cover Customizing Layout Illustration Theme layout”

How to enable Instagram on PDC for Magento 2

To enable instagram on on PDC, you need to register an API key from instagram. you can go to instagram developer page on link. Click to Register a New Client at top right corner. Enter all required fields Go to the Permissions tab which shows each permission and their review status   You have … Continue reading “How to enable Instagram on PDC for Magento 2”

How to Use Product Designer Extension for customizing Product.

Product Designer Extension is one of Extensions Provide By . I this previous posts . I introduced How to create PDC product. Today I will introduce how to customize products With Product Design Extension. Access Product and Open Design. In the list product or home page, user will click product, System will redirect to … Continue reading “How to Use Product Designer Extension for customizing Product.”

Magento 2 – How to create product with Product Design Canvas

Product Design Canvas is a extension of Magento provide by . You can use it for online shop. You can setup basic products and then customers can custom them, They can add texts, Qr Code images , import images from Facebook, Instagram . They can change text’s properties like color, font size, font family … Continue reading “Magento 2 – How to create product with Product Design Canvas”

How to enable download design as PDF

Hello everybody, when installing PDP, default it will only download design as SVG. Now I will guide everyone how to enable download design as PDF. This menu frontend when disable download PDF: First, login to backend PDP. Navigate to System->Editor Configuration. Open Developer Settings and Enable 2 function same below: Convert text to image in … Continue reading “How to enable download design as PDF”