This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Storevan 7 years ago. This post has been viewed 1108 times

The basic errors of PDP should be first check

  • Hello everybody,

    Now i write this topic guide you pre-check basic errors of Products Designer Pro (PDP).

    1. Check Mysql version and PHP version

    PDP now only run with:

    5.6 <= PHP version <= 7.0

    5.6 <= Mysql version

    2. Check extension

    Access this link: https://link-to-pdp/php.php.

    Find all Required extensions: 

    imagick, iconv, simplexml, curl, mcrypt, hash, zip, pdo_mysql, json (common extension).

    soap or oauth (if using magento 1.x.x).

    If not found any extensions, please install it.

    3. Check Enviroment PHP

    Access this link: https://link-to-pdp/php.php.

    Find by keyword and check values sample below:

    allow_url_fopen: On

    always_populate_raw_post_data : -1

    memory_limit: 512 or more

    post_max_size: max size body of the request include all file upload, need bigger then upload_max_filesize

    upload_max_filesize: max size of file upload by your requied, need small then post_max_size

    safe_mode: Off

    max_file_uploads: number of files allow upload in request

    max_execution_time: 120s or more

    4. Check Themes Config

    Navigate to System->Editor Configuration

    Now we only support Default Theme and Custom theme refer If now config Ultimo Theme or Canva Theme, please change to Default Theme

    Cheers 🙂!~


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