This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Admin 9 years, 6 months ago. This post has been viewed 1258 times

Clip Art and Text Default Color

  • When I add clipart or text it defaults to red. Is there a place to set the default? For us it should be black.

    I found it in js/pdp/pdc/js/pdc1.js
    The code:
    /////////////Setting default info///////////////
    PDC_setting = {
    color_default: '#FF0000',
    font_family_default: "Arial",
    font_size_default: '20',
    div_side_action : $('#pdc_sides'),
    line_height_default: '1.3'
    /////////////Setting default info///////////////

    Red is #FF0000
    You can change it to black.

    Hope this help!

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