This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Storevan 6 years, 10 months ago. This post has been viewed 1913 times

Config Custom Dismension Product Options

  • Hello, today i will guide you config custom dimension product options.

    After config, customer can create orders/products with custom dimension. This function at left-top position frontend:

    First, login to backend Product Designer Pro (PDP). Navigate to System->Configuration->Custom Print Size

    Overview of this config below, this config include 2 parts

    Common config:

    1. Active Custom Dimension Product show in frontend
    2. Max sides per products
    3. Max width dismension
    4. Max height dismension
    5. Unit (width/height)

    Setting each custom dimension product, first config is default custom product, you can add more custom product with difference print type or price:

    1. Custom Dimension Product Name
    2. Custom Dimension Product Description
    3. Base price
    4. Print type
    5. Add new Custom Dimension profile (reading more below)
    6. Active push custom product to ecommerce store
    7. Save config

    If you want more then 1 profile custom dimension product, please click “Add New Product Type”. When more then 1 profile, you need input “Product Type” for both to distinct between custom products

    After, save config and go to frontend check it. Here I create demo 2 custom product with 2 different print styles but same bace price:

    Now frontend appear 2 custom products

    – Custom Dimension Square

    – Custom Dimension Normal

    Thank you for reading!

    Cheers !~

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