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Magento 2 – How to create product with Product Design Canvas

  • Product Design Canvas is a extension of Magento provide by .  You can use it for online shop. You can setup basic products  and then customers can custom them, They can add texts,  Qr Code images , import images from Facebook, Instagram . They can change text’s  properties like color, font size, font family … . With Images, They can change color, scale …etc .

    In the previous post, I introduced how to install extension to Magento. In this post, I will introduce how to create product with Product Design Canvas Extension .

    Step  1  :   You create new product, after creating , you will see button OPEN PDC MANAGER  in the tab Product Design Canvas . Click to it to start setting data for Design

    Step 2 : (Require) You must add at least 1 side. Click to add new side to setup data.

    Note : if you use Mask Image. You have to use transparent PNG for design Area .Customer will add texts, images .. to the design area.

    Step 3 : Create sample design . Click to Template Library -> Create new Template .  You can add some texts, images to sample design . Click to Save Design  Template to save template design .

    After that, you should  set default for sample design

    Finally, Click to Save Product, You can access product in fontend, you can see your design will show in product page.

    Add Product Color. 

    As you know T-shirt or other products  have a lot of colors. You can setup multi colors for products.

    In the PDC Manager . Click to Add Product Color .

    You have to add Background and mask image like default side. You can see in my example below: 

    Next step : Click to View Product Color to update color for product.

    You can see product colors in fontend.

    Advanced Options :

    In the tab Advanced Options, you can setup configuration for Design in frontend.

    Thank for using Product Design Extension, if you have any question about it. Please send email to [email protected]. We will support for you.


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