This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by The Magebay Team 10 years, 2 months ago. This post has been viewed 2112 times
Double Booking
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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by The Magebay Team 10 years, 2 months ago. This post has been viewed 2112 times
Hi Mara
If the customer booked a room for some days. Then Qty of room on this days will auto reduced on Calendar.
Please check our demo for this extension.
Frontend :
Backend :
Magento Extensions Store | Magento Menu Creator | Magento Fancy Checkout | Online Products Designer
Dear Support-Team,
I`m thinking to buy the extension for my rentals.
If a guest is booking a room for some days. Is the room blocked immediatly? Does it show in the calendar? Or is it necessary for me to confirm the booking in order to block the calendar and the room?
Kind Regards,
This room will auto change status to Booked on Calendar when this room have not Qty = 0
If this roon have Qty > 0 then it still available on calendar
Magento Extensions Store | Magento Menu Creator | Magento Fancy Checkout | Online Products Designer
I have another question. There are only 2 different booking times available in the backend; daily or hourly. Is it possible to define a minimum booking term for the rentals?
So some rentals could only be booked with a minimum stay of 5 nights in summer and a minimum stay of 2 nights for the remaining year.
Thank you,
Magento Extensions Store | Magento Menu Creator | Magento Fancy Checkout | Online Products Designer
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