This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Storevan 6 years, 11 months ago. This post has been viewed 1301 times

Feature using SOAP connect to Magento 1.x.x Store

  • Because some hosting providers limit the installation of extensions, we have upgraded to a way to connect to the Magento 1.x.x Store through the SOAP method. This article will show the steps necessary connect PDP to Magento 1.x.x Ecommerce Store by SOAP method:

    • Check Soap extension by function phpinfo().

    1.   Creating SOAP roles

    Login to Magento 1.x.x store. Navigate to System->Web Services ->SOAP/XML-RPC – Roles.

    Click on “Add New Role” to add new role.

    Input role name and select resource access then click “Save Role

    2.   Creating SOAP User

    Navigate to System->Web Services ->SOAP/XML-RPC – Users.

    Click on “Add New User” to add new soap user.

    Input account soap infomation with ‘API Key‘ is password of soap user

    Select roles create in step 1 then click to “Save User

    3. Connect to Magento 1.x.x Store by SOAP from PDP

    Login to backend PDP. Navigate to System->API Integration.

    Select method connect “SOAP” and input store path, soap user and soap password created above.

    Press “Save Config” then wait save config success.

    4. Push products from PDP to Magento 1.x.x store

    Push single product to Magento

    Push multiple products

    After products are pushed successful, all these items status will be change to LIVE in #PDP, go to Magento backend set category and ready for sell on Magento.

    Cheers 🙂!~

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