This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Cao Hồng Quang 7 years, 2 months ago. This post has been viewed 2152 times

Magento 2 – How to install Product Design Extension (PDC X3)

  • Product Design extension is an extension of  Magento.  You can use it to allow customers custom products on in your website.  It supports many kinds of products like Clothes, Card, Phone…  You can install it very easy.

    Step 1: Upload code to sever. The first, You would upload all code in package to your server.   You can use ftp software to do thatProduct Design Extension

    Step 2: run command php bin/magento setup:upgrade.

    Product Design Extension

    Go to  Product Designer -> PDC Configuration Enter license key and enable Extension .Product Design Extension

    Note. When your create Product, if you can not open PDC Manager Popup, You can check Code in pub/static/adminhtml/Magento/backend/en_US. If you don’t see folder Magebay_Pdc, You can run command php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy.

    Product Design Extension

    Product Design Extension

    Thank for using Product Design Extension. If you have any questions,  you can send email to [email protected].  We will support for you.

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