Magebay Support Portal » All Posts Fri, 28 Feb 2025 02:01:58 +0000 en-US <![CDATA[Integrate Multi Vendor Marketplace With Product Designer Canvas]]> Sat, 23 Dec 2017 03:01:46 +0000 Kien Wiliam This is document for integrate Magento Multi Vendor with Product Designer Canvas. Now it’s time to get your fingers a little dirty and start configurate your theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to contact us via [email protected] Thanks so much!

I. Installation requirements

Extensions required :

  3. Send us an email for get module connect between two modules via email : [email protected] or [email protected]

Steps for upload module to your server :

  1. Upload Magebay_Marketplace module to your magento root folder
  2. Upload Magebay_Pdc module to your magento root folder
  3. Upload Connect module to your magento root folder

Now you can refer our guides below to install and config Marketplace works with Product Designer Canvas

II. Install via FTP

Step 1. Before uploading module via FTP

– Please make sure that the target directory is magento root, not the root of your live site but the root of testing magento site.
– Prepare FTP connected software (Filezilla, which is completely free, is my best choice).
– Make sure that your FTP connected account have sufficient permission to upload files and create folder.

Step 2. Upload and installation

– Upload file

Step 3: After uploading process is done then follow the mentioned steps below.

+ Open command prompt and change directory to your magento install directory
+ Then run the following command for setup upgrade:

  1. php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  2. php bin/magento setup:di:compile
  3. php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  4. php bin/magento cache:flush

Step 4: Login Backend Magento. If you can see the extension tab, it is installed properly.

*Note: In the case that you have followed all above steps but couldn’t make the theme work properly. Then please contact us at [email protected], our supporters will assist you in resolving any issues within 24 hours.

III. Marketplace Config Guide

1. Active license key

Active the license key after installed module:

When installed Marketplace on the first time, you might be active the license key on localhost or dev domain.
No worry, you can change the license key later when your site is ready to live.
Just contact us here [email protected] to reset your license key.
When you have confirmed the license key reseted, you can re-enter the license key and repeat active again on live domain.

2. Configuration

Go to General Settings chosen PDC on Product Type config then save

IV. Product Designer Canvas Config Guide

1. Active license key

Active the license key after installed module:

When installed Product Designer Canvas on the first time, you might be active the license key on localhost or dev domain.
No worry, you can change the license key later when your site is ready to live.
Just contact us here [email protected] to reset your license key.
When you have confirmed the license key reseted, you can re-enter the license key and repeat active again on live domain.

2. Configuration

V. Create PDC product with Seller Cpanel

1. Login to seller dashboard with your account, then click to the Seller Dashboard link

2. Create PDC product with Campaigns

3. Design PDC product page

4. Chosen product for create and setup

5. PDC Design Tab

6. PDC Pricing and Options Tab

7. Packages & Promotions Tab

Thank for reading this post. you can check more information about extension on link . if you have any question about the extension. You can contact to [email protected]. We will check and support for you.
]]> <![CDATA[Integrate Multi Vendor Marketplace With Booking System Pro]]> Sat, 23 Dec 2017 02:41:37 +0000 Kien Wiliam This is document for integrate Magento Multi Vendor with Booking System Pro. Now it’s time to get your fingers a little dirty and start configurate your theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to contact us via [email protected] Thanks so much!

I. Installation requirements

Extensions required :

  3. Send us an email for get module connect between two modules via email : [email protected] or [email protected]

Steps for upload module to your server :

  1. Upload Magebay_Marketplace module to your magento root folder
  2. Upload Magebay_Bookingsystem module to your magento root folder
  3. Upload Connect module to your magento root folder

Now you can refer our guides below to install and config Marketplace works with Booking System Pro

II. Install via FTP

Step 1. Before uploading module via FTP

– Please make sure that the target directory is magento root, not the root of your live site but the root of testing magento site.
– Prepare FTP connected software (Filezilla, which is completely free, is my best choice).
– Make sure that your FTP connected account have sufficient permission to upload files and create folder.

Step 2. Upload and installation

– Upload file

Step 3: After uploading process is done then follow the mentioned steps below.

+ Open command prompt and change directory to your magento install directory
+ Then run the following command for setup upgrade:

  1. php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  2. php bin/magento setup:di:compile
  3. php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  4. php bin/magento cache:flush

Step 4: Login Backend Magento. If you can see the extension tab, it is installed properly.

*Note: In the case that you have followed all above steps but couldn’t make the theme work properly. Then please contact us at [email protected], our supporters will assist you in resolving any issues within 24 hours.

III. Marketplace Config Guide

1. Active license key

Active the license key after installed module:

When installed Marketplace on the first time, you might be active the license key on localhost or dev domain.
No worry, you can change the license key later when your site is ready to live.
Just contact us here [email protected] to reset your license key.
When you have confirmed the license key reseted, you can re-enter the license key and repeat active again on live domain.

2. Configuration

Go to General Settings chosen Booking on Product Type config then save

IV. Booking System Config Guide

1. Active license key

Active the license key after installed module:

When installed Booking System on the first time, you might be active the license key on localhost or dev domain.
No worry, you can change the license key later when your site is ready to live.
Just contact us here [email protected] to reset your license key.
When you have confirmed the license key reseted, you can re-enter the license key and repeat active again on live domain.

2. Configuration

V. Create Booking product with Seller Cpanel

1. Login to seller dashboard with your account, then click to the Seller Dashboard link

2. Create Booking product

3. Chosen Booking product type then continue

4. Config booking product

5. Booking type Tab

6. Pricing & Availability Tab

7. Packages & Promotions Tab

8. Address and Others Tab

Thank for reading this post. you can check more information about extension on link . if you have any question about the extension. You can contact to [email protected]. We will check and support for you.
]]> <![CDATA[BigMarket Magento Multi Vendor Theme Online Document Guide]]> Thu, 21 Dec 2017 03:15:46 +0000 Kien Wiliam This is document for BigMarket Magento Multi Vendor Theme. Now it’s time to get your fingers a little dirty and start configurate your theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to contact us via [email protected] Thanks so much!

I. Install via FTP

Step 1. Before uploading module via FTP

– Please make sure that the target directory is magento root, not the root of your live site but the root of testing magento site.
– Prepare FTP connected software (Filezilla, which is completely free, is my best choice).
– Make sure that your FTP connected account have sufficient permission to upload files and create folder.

Step 2. Upload and installation

– Upload file

Step 3: After uploading process is done then follow the mentioned steps below.

+ Open command prompt and change directory to your magento install directory
+ Then run the following command for setup upgrade:

  1. php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  2. php bin/magento setup:di:compile
  3. php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  4. php bin/magento cache:flush

Step 4: Login Backend Magento. If you can see the extension tab, it is installed properly.

*Note: In the case that you have followed all above steps but couldn’t make the theme work properly. Then please contact us at [email protected], our supporters will assist you in resolving any issues within 24 hours.

II. Marketplace User Guide

1. Active license key

Active the license key after installed module:

When installed Marketplace on the first time, you might be active the license key on localhost or dev domain.
No worry, you can change the license key later when your site is ready to live.
Just contact us here [email protected] to reset your license key.
When you have confirmed the license key reseted, you can re-enter the license key and repeat active again on live domain.

2. Configuration

You can find all guide for this module at

III. Pslider User Guide

1. Create Slider

1 – Filter collection with category 
2 – Filter collection by create date, order, rated, viewed…

2. Create Group

3. Frontend Layout

+ Tab Sliders layout

+ Tab Vertical

4. Configuration

IV. MCP User Guide

1. Create Group Menu

2. Create Menu

3. Frontend Layout

With for dropdrow level 0:

2 Columns: width: 155px;
3 Columns: width: 233px;
4 Columns: width: 311px;
5 Columns: width: 389px;
6 Columns: width: 467px;
7 Columns: width: 545px;
8 Columns: width: 623px;
9 Columns: width: 701px;
10 Columns: width: 779px;
11 Columns: width: 857px;
12 Columns: width: 935px;

With column for sub:

2 Columns: width: 16.666666%;
3 Columns: width: 25%;
4 Columns: width: 33.333333%;
5 Columns: width: 41.666666%;
6 Columns: width: 50%;
7 Columns: width: 58.333333%;
8 Columns: width: 66.666666%;
9 Columns: width: 75%;
10 Columns: width: 83.333333%;
11 Columns: width: 91.666666%;
12 Columns: width: width: 100%;

Layout auto show sub or No sub item

V. Other module

1. OneStepChekout

General Configuration

2. Brands

3. Blog

VI. Theme Configuration

+ Choose store to enable theme

+ Import same data(statick block, cms..)

+ Theme Configuration

+ Frontend

Thank for reading this post. you can check more information about extension on link . if you have any question about the extension. You can contact to [email protected]. We will check and support for you.
]]> <![CDATA[Magebay Marketplace Extension Online Document Guide]]> Thu, 14 Dec 2017 02:19:23 +0000 Kien Wiliam Table of Contents



2.1.    Create an account as Vendor

2.2.    Seller Dashboard

2.3.    Seller Profile

2.4.    New Product

2.5.    Create Attribute

2.6.    My Orders

2.7.    Withdrawals

2.8.    Messages


3.1.    Multi Vendor Marketplace Configuration

3.2.    Manage Seller’s Product

3.3.    Manage Seller

3.4.    Manage Seller’s Sales

3.5.    Manage Review and Rating

3.6.    Manage Payment Method

3.7.    Manage Withdrawals

3.8.    Manage Message



If you know Etsy, Alibaba, Ebay system, you must know how effective of this business model. They’re beging a huge success and you know they’re all Marketplace.

The marketplace is a special kind of online store where buyers and sellers are meeting each other in an easily way.

By understanding it, Magebay brings to you an effective extension for creating Marketplace on your site: it’s called Magento Magento multi vendor extension. It give you many useful function and it is ease to use and manage your Multi Vendor Marketplace

RELATED POST: Marketplace model and development opportunities of e-commerce.


  • Easy to build a Marketplace site
  • Give Vendors the ability to manage their own products
  • Commission Calculations & Order management
  • Full source code
  • Full Addons
  • Free installation



 2.1.    Create an account as Vendor

To use the Magento Marketplace as a vendor, the first step is register an account.

Step 1. From header, click Create an Account link

Magento multi vendor marketplace

Magento marketplace extension –


Step 2. System navigates the user to Create Account page. Fill in data for the user account. If you want to use as Vendor/ Seller, check the checkbox Do you want to become Vendor/ Seller


Multi vendor marketplace magento extension

Multi vendor marketplace magento extension –


Step 3. The system will show the form to complete the information for Vendor/ Seller like Shop Name, Contact Number, Shop URL.

Step 4. Finish the required fields.

Step 5. Click Save button to create an account as Vendor / Seller

2.2.    Seller Dashboard

After register account as a seller, this account will be approved by admin and then sellers can sign in the account to manage products, manage orders, withdraws and the message

After signing in, seller will view the Seller Account Management.

Magento multi vendor plugin marketplace

Magento Multi Vendor Marketplace Document – Magebay

This section will give an overview for seller about sales, orders, income like Today’s Sales, Today’s Orders, Incomes, Orders chart, and Sales report.

2.3.    Seller Profile

When create a store, sellers need to provide basic information for customer about their store name, description, policies.

Step 1. From left menu of Seller Account, click Seller Profile items

Step 2. Add value for these following data fields as per screenshot

Magento multi vendor extension

Magento multi vendor extension –

  • Store Title: This is the Store Name
  • Store URL: Type the store url path
Magento marketplace plugin

Magento marketplace plugin-

Company Banner: Click Browse to upload banner of store from your computer. You can delete the image by checking on chechbox Delete Banner Image and then click Save to delete banner.

Company Logo: Click Browse to upload logo of store from your computer. You can delete the image by checking on chechbox Delete Logo Image and then click Save to delete logo.

Magento extension multi vendor

Magento extension multi vendor –


  • Description: The description for store
  • Return Policy: Enter the store’s rules regarding the return of products by customers
  • Shipping Policy: Enter the store’s rules regarding the shipping.
Magento multi vendor plugin

Magento multi vendor plugin –

  • Twitter ID: Type the Twitter ID, it will show link to connect to twitter on your store
  • Facebook ID:Type the Facebook ID, it will show link to connect to twitter on your store

You can view the frontend appearance.Sellers can view their Seller Profile Page after input all required information

Magento multi vendor marketplace

Magento multi vendor marketplace –

2.4.    New Product

Now, to start selling on your store you must start to add new product in Multi Vendor Marketplace system. The Produc will display in frontend at the Product Listing of seller’s stores

Multi vendor marketplace magento extension

Multi vendor marketplace magento extension –

There are 4 types of product: Simple, Downloadable, Virtual and Configurable Product.

After choosing 1 of 4 types of product, you will fill in data to add a new product. It is a basically knowledge about Magento Products. You are ease to add product.

A. Choose Categories for the product.

Sellers can choose multi categories to display product in their store.

Magento multi vendor plugin marketplace

Magento multi vendor plugin marketplace –

B. Upload Image for the product.

To upload Product Imagefor product, you can browse image from your computer or drag and drop to add image


Magento multi vendor extension

Magento multi vendor extension –

C. Price of product

Magento supports many type of price. They are useful for sale, promotion campaign like special price, special price from date.. to date.

Magento marketplace plugin

Magento marketplace plugin –

D. Tier price

Magento supports a type of price that allows seller can set discount price for customers based on how much they buy. It is called Tier price. Tier price also applies for customer group like AllGroups, Not Logged In group, General group, Wholesale group, Retailer group

Magento extension multi vendor

Magento extension multi vendor –

E. Custom option

It is a field allow seller can describe a feature of product by separating it from the option’s title and give it a price.

Magento multi vendor plugin

Magento multi vendor plugin –

F. Product type of Magento Multi Vendor

Magento Marketplace Extension supports 4 types of product: Simple, Downloadable, Virtual and Configurable Product.

  • Downloadable product is necessary item when your store has item like ebook, video, music, file, catalog


Magento multi vendor marketplace

Magento multi vendor marketplace –

Because the downloadable product only available when customer purchased, so seller must add a sample for it

Multi vendor marketplace magento extension

Multi vendor marketplace magento extension –

  • Configurable product

When sellers have the product – tshirt  with many options like sizes and colors, they can use configurable product instead of displaying all product with colors and sizes in frontend. It looks like simple product with many options but actually, it is single product with a unique Sku. Magento Multi Vendor Extension supports this type of product. Sellers’ job is create associated products. When create associated products, sellers must choose attribute and value of attribute

Magento multi vendor plugin marketplace

Magento multi vendor plugin marketplace –

After create products, sellers can view them in product list in frontend appearance

Magento multi vendor extension

Magento multi vendor extension –

2.5.    Create Attribute

If you have a configurable product in your store, you need to create attribute for product.

Step 1. Click Create Attribute link

Step 2. System navigates user to Create Attribute page. To add an attribute, do the following

Magento marketplace plugin

Magento marketplace plugin –

  • Attribute Code: Type the attribute code
  • Attribute Label: Type the label of attribute. This data will be shown in the frontend
  • Catalog Input Type: supports Dropdown value
  • Values Required: If you want the attribute is required field, select Yes
  • Add Option: Add the value to select for attribute

2.6.    My Orders

When customer buys products on your store, the orders will be managed in this section.

Magento extension multi vendor

Magento extension multi vendor –

This section help vendor in management orders:

  • Can view the order details and edit information, process the order
  • Easy to search the order by Order ID, by Date, by Order Status.
  • Can view the product details from order
A. To view the order details and edit information

Step 1. From Order List, click on Order ID link

Step 2. System navigates user to Order Details page.
In the Order Details page, sellers can view the information like Buyer Information, Shipping Address, Shipping Method, Billing Address, Payment Method, Ordered Items. Seller also can update shipping, add tracking number, print the invoices or cancel order.

Magento multi vendor plugin

Magento multi vendor plugin –

B. To update Shipping

Click on Update Shipping button. System will show a form to update like Carrier, Title of Shipping, Number of Shipping, Shipment Comments.

Magento multi vendor marketplace

Magento multi vendor marketplace –

C. Create an invoice for the orders

ClickInvoice button,Magento Marketplace Extension will show the form to add invoice for the order


Magento marketplace extension –

2.7.    Withdrawals

The Withdrawals section will show you the withdrawal request list and withdrawals history.

Multi vendor marketplace magento extension

Magento marketplace extension –

In this list, vendor can view the Withdrawals Method by using Paypal, Skrill, Payoneer, Perfect Money, Wire Transfer and their description.Vendor can view all Withdrawals Medthod that configure by admin like Paypal, Skrill, Payoneer, Perfect Maony, Wire Transfer..etc..

Magento multi vendor plugin marketplace

Magento marketplace extension –

To use a method, click on link of method and add you account bank information

  • Paypal Email Account: Type your Paypal Email Account to receive money
  • Amount to withdraw: Type amount that you want to withdraw.

You can view Withdrawal History in the list below

Magento multi vendor extension

Magento marketplace extension –

2.8.    Messages

When customer send the message to user about product, orders, the messages will be managed in this section.

Magento marketplace plugin

Magento marketplace extension –

As you can see in the list, vendor can view the date that message is sent, the sender name, the subject of message and the last message content. Vendor can view and send a reply to customer also.

A. To view and send a reply to customer, click on View link. System will navigate vendor to Message Details page.
Magento extension multi vendor

Magento marketplace extension –

You can reply to the customer by entering the message content then click Send Message.

B. Customer asks sellers about product

At product details page, customers can ask sellers about product information by click on Ask Question button. Magento Multi-Vendor Extension will show the popup message for customer to input message.

Magento multi vendor plugin

Multi-vendor marketplace –

C. Customer asks sellers about order, shipping

When customer buys the products, customer can ask seller about order information, shipping information in Customer Account page

Magento multi vendor marketplace

Multi-vendor marketplace –

2.9.    Messages

Magento Multi Vendor Extension summarize Total Sales, Total Imcome, Orders Status by Today, Last 7 Days, Current Month, Last Month, Last Week, Current Week or Custom Date to create advance reports

Multi vendor marketplace magento extension

Multi vendor marketplace magento extension –

A. Seller Sales Report Chart

It displays Earn Amount, Total Sale daily. It is a useful feature that helps seller to have an overview for daily sales. Time range is in 7 days.

Magento multi vendor plugin marketplace -

Magento multi vendor plugin marketplace –

B. Overview:

When seller start adding a new product to their store, they want to know how effective of selling product, how many times it is clicked on their store, how many item they sold.This section displays Number Views, Units sold, Earn Amout of each product. It helps seller know does their product sell good.

Magento multi vendor extension

Magento multi vendor extension –

C. Overview:

When seller start adding a new product to their store, they want to know how effective of selling product, how many times it is clicked on their store, how many item they sold.This section displays Number Views, Units sold, Earn Amount of each product. It helps seller know does their product sell good.

Magento marketplace plugin

Magento marketplace plugin –


This section provides you configuration details of Magento Multi Vendor Marketplace. It describes how to configuration Magento Multi Vendor, how to manage Sellers Product, Seller’s Sales of it after installing the Multi-Vendor Marketplace.


3.1.    Magento Multi Vendor Marketplace Configuration

Step 1. To configure the Multi Vendor Extension, tap Market Place then click Configuration

Magento marketplace plugin -

Multi vendor marketplace –

Or tap Stores then click Configuration menu item. At the Cofiguration page, click on Market Place tab

Magento extension multi vendor -

Multi vendor marketplace –

Step 2.Add value for these following data fields as per screenshot

Magento multi vendor plugin -

Multi vendor marketplace –

  • Enable: To select publish or unpublish the Multi Vendor Marketplace extension
  • Admin Email: Add email of administration
Magento multi vendor marketplace -

Multi vendor marketplace –

  • Default Commission in Percentage: Type percentage number to set commission for product selling price. When admin input the default commission, the value will be applied for all seller.
  • Product Type: Choose the type of product that sellers can create product in the frontend
  • Attribute Set ID: Admin can set Attribute Set ID for products. This attribute set will be used when sellers create a new product
Multi vendor marketplace magento extension -

Multi vendor marketplace –

  • Seller Approval Required: To enable the administrator to appove a seller.
    • If a value is No: seller account will be approved automatic when the user creates an account as a seller.
    • If value is Yes: seller account must wait to be checked and approved by admin
  • Product Approval Required: To enable the administrator to appove a product
    • If value is No: product will be approved automatic when sellers create product for their store.
    • If value is Yes: product must wait to be checked and be approved by admin before display in frontend
  • Product Update Approval Required: To enable the administrator to appove a new product updated.
    • If value is No: when sellers update product information, it will be approved automatic and display updated information in frontend immediately.
    • If value is Yes: product is updated must be reviewed and be approved by admin
  • Review Approval Required: To enable the administrator to appove review
    • If value is No: when customer write review, it will be approved automatic and display in frontend
    • If value is Yes: review must be waited and be approved by admin
  • Make a Review on only Order Purchase: Select Yes to enable review function on only purchase. If admin choose Yes, customers only can write the review for product when they buy it.
  • Seller Policies Enable At Frontend: Select Yes to enable the policies for seller in frontend, the sellers can write their own return policy and shipping policy for your store to display in frontend.
  • Allowed Categories For Seller To Add Product: Type the Category Ids for alllowing the category that can add to products. When admin type the Categories ID in this field, Magento Multi Vendor allows seller add these categories for product. Separate ids by comma
  • Move Product Tax To Seller Account: If you want to move product tax to seller, select Yes
Magento multi vendor plugin marketplace -

Multi vendor marketplace –

  • Multi-Vendor Landing Page Label: Type the heading for information about Multi-Vendor. This label will be shown in frontend
  • Multi-Vendor Landing Page Button Label: Type the button label . This label will be shown in frontend
  • About Multi-Vendor: Type a short description about Multi-Vendor
  • Transaction Key: Type the transaction key, this key is encrypted secure.
  • Email Template for Contact Vendor: Choose the template of email for Contact Vendor

3.2.    Manage Seller’s Product

When sellers add products in the frontend, the products will be managed in this section.

Magento multi vendor extension -

Multi-vendor marketplace –

As you can see in the figure above, the Seller’s Product list manage the product of seller. It displays Image, Seller Name, Product ID, Product Name, Price, Quantity, Status.

  • You can view details of the seller by clicking on Seller Name from the list.
  • You also can view details of product by clicking on Product Name from the list
  • When the sellers add a new product on their store, the product need to be approved. In this section, you can change the status of product.
A. To change the status of product:
Magento marketplace plugin -

Magento marketplace plugin –

Step 1: Check on checkbox of the product that you want to change the status

Step 2: From Actions select box, choose the status you want. It contains two values: Approve or Disapprove.

Step 3: Click button Submit to change the status

B. To view and edit Product Information

Step 1: From the list, click on Product Name

Step 2: System navigates a user to Product Details page.

Magento extension multi vendor -

Multi-vendor marketplace –

Step 3: Change the value you want to modify.

Step 4: Click Save button to save the information.

3.3.    Manage Seller

This section to manage the sellers

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Magento multi vendor plugin –

The Sellerlist manage the seller’s information. It displays Seller ID, Seller Name, Seller Email, Phone, Zip, Country, State/ Province, Status.

When the sellers are registered an account, the seller needs to be approved. In this section, you can change the status of seller.

A. To view and edit Seller Information

Step 1: From the list, click on Seller Name

Step 2: System navigates the user to Seller Details page.

Magento multi vendor marketplace -

Magento multi vendor marketplace –

Step 3: Change the value you want to modify.

Step 4: Click Save button to save the information.

3.4.    Manage Seller’s Sales

In the Multi-Vendor Marketplace Extension, you are ease to manage the sales of Sellers.

In backend of Magento Vendor Marketplace, go to Market Place >> Manage Seller’s Sales

Multi vendor marketplace magento extension -

Multi vendor marketplace magento extension –

As you can see in the figure above, the Seller’s Sales list displays the Sales of Sellers. It displays Seller Name, Seller Email, Commission percentage, Total Sales, Total Commission, Amount Remain, Amount Received, Order.

3.5.    Manage Review and Rating

This section is to manage the Reviews & Ratings of Seller in Marketplace.

In backend system, go to Market Place >> Manage Reviews & Ratings

Magento multi vendor plugin marketplace -

Magento multi vendor plugin marketplace –

As you can see in the figure above, the Reviews & Ratings list displays Seller Name, Price Rating, Value Rating, Quality Rating, Summary, Review, Status.

  • You can view or edit Seller information by clicking on Seller Name link from the list.
  • You can also change the status of Reviews & Ratings

To change the status of Reviews & Ratings:

Magento multi vendor extension -

Magento multi vendor extension –

Step 1: Check on checkbox of the reviews & ratings that you want to change the status

Step 2: From Actions select box, choose the status you want. It contains two values: Approve or Disapprove.

Step 3: Click button Submit to change the status

3.6.    Manage Payment Method

One of the most important function for Multi-Vendor Marketplace Extension is manage Payment Method. Our extension is ease to manage the payment method.

In backend system, go to Market Place >> Manage Payment Method

Magento marketplace plugin -

Magento marketplace plugin –

As you can see in the figure above, the Payment Method list displays Payment Method Name, Fee, Description, Min Amount, Max Amount, Status.

  • You can view or edit Seller information by clicking on Payment Method or click on Editlink from the list.
  • You can also change the status of Payment Method
  • You can add new Payment Method by clicking on button Add New Payment Method
A. To add a new Payment Method

Step 1: From the list, click on button Add New Payment Method

Step 2: System navigates user to Add New Payment Method page.Do the following:

Magento extension multi vendor -

Magento extension multi vendor –

As you can see in the figure above, the Payment Method list displays Payment Method Name, Fee, Description, Min Amount, Max Amount, Status.

  • You can view or edit Seller information by clicking on Payment Method or click on Edit link from the list.
  • You can also change the status of Payment Method
  • You can add new Payment Method by clicking on button Add New Payment Method
B. To add a new Payment Method

Step 1: From the list, click on button Add New Payment Method

Step 2: System navigates user to Add New Payment Method page.Do the following:

Step 3: Change the value you want to modify.

Step 4: Click Save button to save the information.

C. To change the status of Payment Method:
Magento multi vendor plugin -

Magento multi vendor plugin –

Step 1: Check on checkbox of the Payment Method that you want to change the status

Step 2: From Actions select box, choose the status you want. It contains two values: Enable, Disable or Delete

Step 3: Click button Submit to change the status

3.7.    Manage Withdrawals

This section is to manage the manage Withdrawals in Multi Vendor Marketplace

In backend system, go to Market Place>>Manage Withdrawals

Magento multi vendor marketplace -

Magento multi vendor marketplace –

As you can see in the figure above, the Withdrawals list displays Seller ID, Seller Name, Amount of Withdrawals, Status.

  • You can view Transaction information by clicking on View Transaction button from the list.
  • There are Completed, Canceled and Pending status of Withdrawals. Each a withdraw request, it neeeds to be processed by admin. Administrator only processes the withdrawals that have status is Pending
A. To view Withdrawals

Step 1: From the list, click on View Transaction button

Step 2:Magento Marketplace Extensionopens a dialog box that displays the transaction details

Multi vendor marketplace magento extension -

Multi vendor marketplace magento extension –

As you can see above, the transaction details contains Seller Information, Withdrawals Information and Additional Info.
When the status of transation is Completed or Canceled, the transaction is read only.

B. To change the status of transaction:

With transaction has status is Pending, you can process the transaction

Step 1: From the list, click on View Transaction button

Step 2: System opens a dialog box that displays the transaction details

Magento multi vendor plugin marketplace -

Magento multi vendor plugin marketplace –

Step 3:Click Reject if you want to reject the withdrawal request. Or click Complete Withdrawal if you want to complete transaction

Step 4: Click button Submit to change the status

3.8.    Manage Message

This section is to manage the Message in MagentoMulti Vendor. Admin can view all message conversation between sellers and customers

In backend system, go to Market Place>>Manage Message

Magento multi vendor extension -

Magento multi vendor extension –

As you can see in the figure above, the Message list displays IDUserIDSubject, Message Created Time, Status. You can view or edit Message information by clicking on Message Itemlink from the list.

A. To change the status of Message:
Magento marketplace plugin -

Magento marketplace plugin –

Step 1: Check on checkbox of the message that you want to change the status

Step 2: From Actions select box, choose the status you want. It contains two valuesEnable or Disable or Delete

Step 3: Click button Submit to change the status

IV.  Conclude

Above is our guide for Magento Extensions Marketplace. If you have any questions please boldly contact us. We will help you. Thanks for reading.

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