Magebay Support Portal » All Posts Tue, 18 Feb 2025 22:16:26 +0000 en-US <![CDATA[How to enable Instagram on PDC for Magento 2]]> Tue, 12 Dec 2017 07:01:42 +0000 Cao Hồng Quang To enable instagram on on PDC, you need to register an API key from instagram. you can go to instagram developer page on link.

Click to Register a New Client at top right corner.

How to enable Instagram on PDC for Magento 2

Enter all required fields

How to enable Instagram on PDC for Magento 2

Go to the Permissions tab which shows each permission and their review status

How to enable Instagram on PDC for Magento 2


You have to complete one of them. When Instagram approve your Api, Customers can get their images from Instagram.

There are 2 fileds required and important. They are website url (put your site ) and redirect url. Redirect url needs add your domain + “/pdc/index/instagram” see an image.
And then you get 2 fields: Client ID and Client Secret. Enter them to PDC setting in backend magento site.

How to enable Instagram on PDC for Magento 2How to enable Instagram on PDC for Magento 2

]]> <![CDATA[How to Use Product Designer Extension for customizing Product.]]> Tue, 12 Dec 2017 07:00:15 +0000 Cao Hồng Quang Product Designer Extension is one of Extensions Provide By . I this previous posts . I introduced how To Install Extension and How to create PDC product. Today I will introduce how to customize products With Product Design Extension.

Access Product and Open Design.

In the list product or home page, user will click product, System will redirect to product page . if this is PDC product , button  Customized it is shown under button Add to cart. when user click to it, Popup design will display user can starting design product.

Design Product.

After opening design . user can add images, text, QR code, free drawing.

With images. He can add available images from website by click tab Add Clipart on the left. he also can change size, opacity images and place of images. especially , he can change colors images. With simple Images. (JPG, PNG, JPEG), he can convert to gray image. User also can upload Images from his computer , import from Instagram and Facebook. He can use the function in Upload image tab. 

With text, User can add text by click to task Add Text  on the left  sidebar. He can edit properties for text like change font size, font Family, colors, box show…

Additionally, Extension also provide a lot of effects for text. you can see image below

With free drawing, User can drawing on canvas. Extension provides a lot kind of types which user can use to draw on canvas . He can change font size and color of line.

With QR code. it is very simple to add to canvas . on the left sidebar, user can click to Add Clipart -> Qr Code. He can select type and enter value to create QR code and add to canvas.

Download Design.

User can download design in popup design. On the top right, Click to Download system will show list menu download for user selected. He can download with PNG or PDF format.

Share Design to social

There are many users want to share their image to social because they will receive a lot of comment and share from their friends. During Designing on popup Design. if they want to share it to social. they can click to Share menu on top right. System support some social like Facebook, Google +, Twitter. There are a lot of people will know design and they also your website.

Manager Layers.

this is importance because use should know all objects (Text, images, Qr Code) which he added to canvas. He can click to Layer Tab on the left sidebar. He will see all layers and price for each layer.

Save to Design.

After Designing. User can click to Save And Continue,  if he doesn’t log in. popup login will display, After complete form login. Design will be saved to his list designs. Popup Design will be Close. Use can click to add to cart to add product to cart.

View List Designs.

Use can see his list designs in his account page. He can edit design which he want.

View Design in user’s Email. After Complete order, one email will send to user’s email. he can see designs in his email.

View Design in Admin orders. When view detail order in admin. Admin ca click to View Customized Design to view and download Design. Admin can download design with some formats like PDF contain SVG, PDF contain PNG, PNG, SVG, TXT.

Thank for reading the post. I hope that it uses full for you and your customers to understand about how to use Product Design Extension. If you have any Questions, you can send email to [email protected]. We will support for you.

]]> <![CDATA[Magento 2 – How to create product with Product Design Canvas]]> Tue, 12 Dec 2017 06:53:58 +0000 Cao Hồng Quang Product Design Canvas is a extension of Magento provide by .  You can use it for online shop. You can setup basic products  and then customers can custom them, They can add texts,  Qr Code images , import images from Facebook, Instagram . They can change text’s  properties like color, font size, font family … . With Images, They can change color, scale …etc .

In the previous post, I introduced how to install extension to Magento. In this post, I will introduce how to create product with Product Design Canvas Extension .

Step  1  :   You create new product, after creating , you will see button OPEN PDC MANAGER  in the tab Product Design Canvas . Click to it to start setting data for Design

Step 2 : (Require) You must add at least 1 side. Click to add new side to setup data.

Note : if you use Mask Image. You have to use transparent PNG for design Area .Customer will add texts, images .. to the design area.

Step 3 : Create sample design . Click to Template Library -> Create new Template .  You can add some texts, images to sample design . Click to Save Design  Template to save template design .

After that, you should  set default for sample design

Finally, Click to Save Product, You can access product in fontend, you can see your design will show in product page.

Add Product Color. 

As you know T-shirt or other products  have a lot of colors. You can setup multi colors for products.

In the PDC Manager . Click to Add Product Color .

You have to add Background and mask image like default side. You can see in my example below: 

Next step : Click to View Product Color to update color for product.

You can see product colors in fontend.

Advanced Options :

In the tab Advanced Options, you can setup configuration for Design in frontend.

Thank for using Product Design Extension, if you have any question about it. Please send email to [email protected]. We will support for you.


]]> <![CDATA[Magento 2 – How to install Product Design Extension (PDC X3)]]> Tue, 12 Dec 2017 06:52:25 +0000 Cao Hồng Quang Product Design extension is an extension of  Magento.  You can use it to allow customers custom products on in your website.  It supports many kinds of products like Clothes, Card, Phone…  You can install it very easy.

Step 1: Upload code to sever. The first, You would upload all code in package to your server.   You can use ftp software to do thatProduct Design Extension

Step 2: run command php bin/magento setup:upgrade.

Product Design Extension

Go to  Product Designer -> PDC Configuration Enter license key and enable Extension .Product Design Extension

Note. When your create Product, if you can not open PDC Manager Popup, You can check Code in pub/static/adminhtml/Magento/backend/en_US. If you don’t see folder Magebay_Pdc, You can run command php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy.

Product Design Extension

Product Design Extension

Thank for using Product Design Extension. If you have any questions,  you can send email to [email protected].  We will support for you.

RELATED POST: Magento Booking System Extension – Comparison between both Magento versions!

]]> <![CDATA[Bugs and errors in PDC X3]]> Mon, 22 Aug 2016 04:07:49 +0000 asap Hello, there are some bugs that need to be solved, in order of importance:

1. Import clipart gives 404 when i try to upload a .csv file with my cliparts, always gives me a 404 error. I suppose that is not my problem, because your demo site have the same problem.
2. Curved text: Don´t works in the x3 version.
3. Upload .svg gives low resolution alert: The system ignores that .svg files are vectorial, and there is no problem about upload a file in low resolution.
4. Layers: when one object is deleted from the canvas, the object don’t desappears in the layers list and is always there. I see that this works fine in your demo, but not on my installation.

Thank you very much
