Magebay Support Portal » All Posts Fri, 28 Feb 2025 01:43:11 +0000 en-US <![CDATA[Config Custom Dismension Product Options]]> Thu, 01 Feb 2018 03:31:41 +0000 Storevan Hello, today i will guide you config custom dimension product options.

After config, customer can create orders/products with custom dimension. This function at left-top position frontend:

First, login to backend Product Designer Pro (PDP). Navigate to System->Configuration->Custom Print Size

Overview of this config below, this config include 2 parts

Common config:

1. Active Custom Dimension Product show in frontend
2. Max sides per products
3. Max width dismension
4. Max height dismension
5. Unit (width/height)

Setting each custom dimension product, first config is default custom product, you can add more custom product with difference print type or price:

1. Custom Dimension Product Name
2. Custom Dimension Product Description
3. Base price
4. Print type
5. Add new Custom Dimension profile (reading more below)
6. Active push custom product to ecommerce store
7. Save config

If you want more then 1 profile custom dimension product, please click “Add New Product Type”. When more then 1 profile, you need input “Product Type” for both to distinct between custom products

After, save config and go to frontend check it. Here I create demo 2 custom product with 2 different print styles but same bace price:

Now frontend appear 2 custom products

– Custom Dimension Square

– Custom Dimension Normal

Thank you for reading!

Cheers !~

]]> <![CDATA[Add resource data]]> Wed, 31 Jan 2018 04:01:56 +0000 Storevan Hello, today i will guide you add resource data: Fonts, Shapes, Cliparts. Let’s go.

1. Manage Fonts

From backend dashboard, navigate to Menu Fonts

Overview in management font page:

1. Add or Import a new font
2. Batch Action / Batch Selection: Fonts
3. An overview of each font
4. Edit a font
5. Delete a font
6. Paging and total font items
7. Search for font

Overview in add/edit font page:

1. Font name (Auto generate from font file)
2. Upload Font (Upload file font from computer, we only accept font with ext: .ttf, .otf, .woff)
3. Status (Enable/Disable)
4. Position (in ascending order, starting at 0. You can also change the sorting options in the Configuration section.)

5. Save font change
6. Cancel font change

2. Manage Shapes

From backend dashboard, navigate to Cliparts->Manage Shapes

Overview in manage shapes page:

1. Add or Import a new shape
2. Search for shapes
3. Batch Action / Batch Selection: Shape
4. An overview of each shape
5. Edit a shape
6. Delete a shape
7. Paging and total shape items

Overview in add/edit shape page:

1. Shape name
2. Upload Shape(Upload file shape from computer, we only accept svg)
3. Price (Extra shape price, this price will add to product price when add to cart)
4. Status (Enable/Disable)

5. Save shape change
6. Cancel shape change

After shape created and enable, shapes will appear at Basic Shape in frontend

3. Manage Clipart

From backend dashboard, navigate to Cliparts->Manage Cliparts

Overview in manage cliparts page:

1. Add or Import a new clipart
2. Batch Action / Batch Selection: Clipart
3. Search for clipart
4. An overview of each clipart
5. Edit a clipart
6. Delete a clipart
7. Paging and total clipart items

Overview in add/edit clipart page:

1. Back to manage clipart
2. Clipart title
3. Upload clipart(Upload file clipart from computer)

4. Category (Multiselect category. If no category, please refer this topic:
5. Price (Extra clipart price, this price will add to product price when add to cart)
6. Status (Enable/Disable)

7. Description
8. Tags

9. Position
10. Save clipart change

Thank you for reading!

Cheers !~

]]> <![CDATA[Manage Clipart Categories]]> Wed, 31 Jan 2018 03:12:27 +0000 Storevan This topic will guide you through the management of cliparts categories. This category will appear at front-end when enable:

Let’s go

1. Manage Clipart Categories Page

From the Backend Dashboard, navigate to the Cliparts->Clipart Categories

On this page you will see an overview of the available categories and actions with one or more categories.

Annotate the items on the page:

1. Batch Action / Batch Selection: Category
2. Add or Import a new category
3. Search for categories
4. An overview of each category
5. Edit a category
6. Delete a category
7. Paging and total items

2. Add / Edit Clipart Category Page

When you click Add New / Edit a category.

An Aside will appear, You will change / replace or add new information for that category.

1. Back to Manage Clipart Categories Page
2. Category title
3. Status (Enable/Disable)
4. Thumbnail image of Category. 

5. Parent Category
6. Description
7. Ordered Placement. (in ascending order, starting at 0. You can also change the sorting options in the Configuration section.)
8. Save the changes

9. Assign cliparts to this category.


Thank you for reading!

Cheers 🙂!~

]]> <![CDATA[Manage Product Categories]]> Mon, 29 Jan 2018 02:43:38 +0000 Zuko On PDP, there are 3 types of categories: Products, image cliparts, design templates.

This topic will guide you through the management of product categories.

I. Manage Categories Page

From the Backend Dashboard, navigate to the Product Category Management menu under the main menu: Catalog

On this page you will see an overview of the available categories and actions with one or more categories.

Annotate the items on the page:
1. Search for categories
2. Batch Action / Batch Selection: Category
3. An overview of each category
4. Edit a category
5. Delete a category
6. Add a new category


II. Add / Edit Category Page

When you click Add New / Edit a category.

An Aside will appear, You will change / replace or add new information for that category.

1. Title
2. Status (Enable or Disable)
3. Genre that this genre will belong to
4. Thumbnail Picture or class icon. PDP already has some class icons (Font icon). Instead of using the display image, you can use the class provided at here
5. Ordered Placement. (in ascending order, starting at 0. You can also change the sorting options in the Configuration section.)
6. Save the changes
7. Cancel the changes

III. Assign a Product/Design Template to Categories

In PDP. The category of the product is used to classify the two parts at the frontend.

1. Products
At the basic information page, edit the product. You can add categories for products here.

2. Design Template
Same with product. But on saving design page.


]]> <![CDATA[How to Setting up Product Design]]> Mon, 25 Dec 2017 09:27:42 +0000 Zuko Setting up Product Design


This article showing how to setting design on different colors in PDP backend.

I.                   Helpers


PDP has helpers so you can set parameters for the product as quickly as possible. Take a look at it below

1.      Manage sample colors

Once you logged in to PDP Backend, from navigation menu. Select Catalog > Manage Sample Colors

At here, you can add the color which is appear in multiple products. It’s helpful to define product’s color with only one click.

1.      Manage sample sizes

From navigation menu. Select Catalog > Manage Sample Sizes

In there, you can add the sizes which is appear in multiple products. It’s helpful to define product’s side/page with only one click.

II.                Setting Up Product

1.      Product Information

When you want to add a new product. The first thing to do is to add the basic information for that product.

If you already know how to add basic information to the product. Please skip to section 2


From navigation menu. Select Catalog > New Product

In here. You will fill in the necessary information as shown below. Then click Save & Edit to save it to the database.

2.      Product Sides

Each product has its own side / page with different sizes. The size of these sides / pages will be a printable area

To add or edit a page. In the edit section of the product. We will switch to the Product Design tab

When you click on add / modify 1 page. A dialog about modifying the page will appear. You will add the information as below.

Especially with item number 3. You can use the Helper as mentioned before. (sample sizes)

3.      Product Colors

Here is the procedure to add one or more colors to the product

4.      Setup Design by Page & Color

Here is step to setup a “Design Area” for product by Page & Color.

Click on the side name (with image). A lite-designer will appear.

At this designer, you will need to set design images (background, mockup, guide line)

Detail to using the Lite-Designer:

1 for upload background image (which is the background for print the design onto it)

2 is the mockup image (which is seat on top of print design)

3 is guide-line, the extra guide image to instruct customer how to design (safe-area, etc…)

4 is design-area size controlling slider

5 is designer, you will control position of design-area, positions of background, mockup, guideline image

6 & 7 for update / abort change

Act Example:
