Introduction Magebay Online Hotel Booking System Pro
Number of tourist in the world are continuously rising and there is number of investor that investing in hotel and accommodation business. For convenience of their customer and online presence of their business they are launching online hotel room booking and reservation system.
If you are running a hotels, rentals, traveling & accommodation business that require an online reservation & booking system than Online Hotel Booking System Pro is best option for you. Online Hotel Booking System Pro comes with flexible functionality as well as intuitive interface, which help you to manage your hospitality businesses.
Online Hotel Booking System Pro
You can use online reservation and booking feature with Magento store by using Online Hotel Booking System Pro. This application is easy to install and manage. It is easily integrate with marketplace extension which will help you to provide your customer an online market where you can reserve and book your hotel room and other accommodation facilities that you have. The major thing that you can handle with this application is book or reserve a hotel room, mange service, facilities and items in the hotel and much more. And we made improvements to it fully compatible with Magento Marketplace
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Features of Online Hotel Booking System Pro
Feature For Customer
- You can do a custom search that based on the number of guest, time and date of reservation and much more.
- You can sort rating and pricing by using search page that come up with ajax filtering.
- Booking calendar help for availability of rooms, making reservations & booking any product or services.
- Customers can check the facilities and book a number of rooms and item he want.
- Clients can check its order in the cart before placing an order for item.
- Currency conversion Supports is also available. Customer can easily check the price in its standard currencies.
Feature For Admin
- Admin can see and manage Room Types, Facilities, Bookable Products and orders of customer.
- Manage and create the bookable products using different time intervals including hourly and daily basis.
- Manage the availability status of room including booked, available, unavailable or any special condition.
- Add custom prices and discount available for different events.
- Add custom rules for different situation like blackout days with travelling or special day reservation.
- Add address with google maps for any specific product or service.
Feature for Developers
- Module have open source code which is best for customization.
- Structure of Module is easy to install and integrate.
- Clear custom JavaScript library which is developed using jQuery.
- Available with easy document guide as well as support forum for discuss questions.
- Customized the code easily with Bootstrap, CSS and HTML.
- Compatible for using with the Magento
You can also check the Demo
Other Features
The Online Hotel Booking System Pro is available with a Lifetime License. This application is not to expensive and available with a price tag staring from $149 and rise up to $699. You will get the complete source code package with free installation services provided by our expert developers.
You will also get free support & updates staring from 3 month and gone up to 12 month depend on the package you have choose. If you have facing any problem after that time duration you can ask question on our online community build for solving the issues of our customers.
So if you are looking for an online hotel booking and reservation system than go on and buy a package of your own choice that match your budget and requirements and let get start online booking of your hotel room, product and services!
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