One of the most important parts of the website is the header. This is what the visitor will see first, this will need to be appealing to the eye while functional to let the visitor find the navigation easily.
I have 5 years experience working with our Magento clients, I’ve realized that the look of these headers will vary greatly from site to site, the difference and unique by design or style, color, icons .. BUT they should all contain the following elements:
- Logo
- Site Search
- Phone Numbers
- Main Menu
- Secondary Navigation
- User Account Links
- Benefits
- Customer Service
- Dropdown Shopping Cart
- Social Media Icon
Let me check the top 10 best-selling magento themes on, to see how they designed the header, what attracts customers to buy their theme:
1. Ultimo Theme (8955 Sales)
2. Shopper Theme (4074 Sales)
3. Fortis Theme (2710 Sales)
4. Blanco theme (2256 Sales)
5. Buyshop theme (1366 Sales)
6. Milano theme (1120 Sales)
9. Dresscode theme (655 sales)
10. GoMartket (577 sales)
Summary, the most important part of success ecommerce design is the first look at the header design. And you will want to contain above elements for the first look of your clients. Don’t forget to make an unique design, it is also most important, it will let your customer know the difference of your store with other popular store.
>>> Our Products: Magento Multi Vendor Theme – Magento Multi Vendor Extensions